Virginia M.

Thank You for the learning opportunity to attend the recent Recreational Vehicle Driving Course at the FMCA 108th International Convention in Tuscon AZ.   Lesson # L15190
Needless to say I was apprehensive of taking the wheel, however, I am aware of the importance of being an experienced co-pilot.
The course was well designed with very important classroom information to begin with, that everyone driving a Recreational Vehicle should be aware of.  From mechanics, technical information, general state laws to be aware of, to pointers of driving in traffic.  With pictures, examples and personal experiences shared,  the overview was all encompassing.  My only wish was that my husband could have been there to give a shared understanding of the knowledge given.  There were several pointers and tips given that I may not remember to pass on. Thus mentioning specifically that spouses would be encouraged to attend both sessions (classroom and driving session ) would have been very helpful.
It would have also  been helpful to have a specific overview of what to expect.
“You will be brought into the fairgrounds and parked in temporary area for the first two days.”
Then you will have two days of four hour sessions.   The first day you will attend a four hour classroom session (spouses are encouraged to attend) and the next day you will be scheduled for a four hour driving session.
This overview would have helped.  Maybe this was given but in my angst I might have missed it.
As I have said the classroom session was very informative and I appreciated the visuals given that clearly made an impression and reinforced the importance of having your full attention,  focus on driving and the great responsibility when you take on driving any Recreational Vehicle.  Excellent class and well done.
Randy Davis was my driving instructor the next day.  I appreciated the walk around instructions and pointers at the beginning that emphasized many of those items we reviewed in class.  We took time to go over the instruments to help familiarize myself in their placement before driving.
Starting off with turning helped me feel the placement of our rig and being in an open field gave me safety that is essential when I was behind the wheel for the first time.   Randy did an excellent job of giving me feedback and confidence as I became more familiar with turns.  He also checked in with me periodically to evaluate my comfort level.  Hearing we would go on a two lane road was expected but I admit when the freeway was mentioned my inner panic had to be subdued.  The thought of merging in traffic was terrifying in my head yet if you take on driving,  having an instructor in the co-pilot seat when doing this was immeasurable.    Especially if it is a third party and not a close relative.
Randy gave clear instructions, anticipated my angst and was very good at reading my body signals.  He could help me relax, take breaths and relax my hands to take away the white knuckle syndrome.  He certainly was well aware of where I was coming from and supported me all along.  He provided tips to stay in my lane and being aware of possible drifting when looking to the side.  He emphasized the great importance of watching your mirrors and knowing where you are, as well the other vehicles on the road.
This experience I know is only an introduction and beginning of my learning.   From here it is our responsibility to create our driving opportunities, with baby steps and experience on the road.  Experience is essential. This course gave me a great foundation and I would highly recommend this Driving course to everyone.
In fact a periodic refresher course would be a great addition.
Thank you again for an excellent opportunity and a great experience to build on
I truly enjoyed RRandy’s’ expertise and reassuring support.
Thank you
Virginia M.