My wife and I started full timing after selling our house this last October. We have been pulling a fifth wheel for 5 or 6 years now with me doing all the driving.
Nancy was quite reluctant to pull our 40 foot fifth wheel with our Ford 350 diesel truck. She could drive the truck fine but pulling the fifth wheel behind it was terrifying to her.
As we both get older we decided having only me driving might not be a smart idea. So through Escapees we found your RV driving school and signed up.
Now I thought I knew a lot about driving a rig like ours having done it for the last 5 years so I figured Nancy would learn more than me!! She learned a lot but I learned as much as she did.
Don , our instructor was very thorough, very patient, answering our questions as we went along. I didn’t have a good idea on how to back the rig up so Don took us to a empty parking lot and taught us how to backup, both Nancy and I learned the tricks of backing up together, communication being the big trick to overcome. As I look back on our training I think Dons patience with us was great, this wasn’t just a job to him, but he really wanted to pass on his experiences , to make us be safer on the road.
The second day of training was on the road driving. We learned turning on curvy two lane highway going up a mountain pass to 7400 ft. and back down; how to use our trucks gears rather than our brakes so much. I didn’t know some of our trucks accessories, Don showed me how to work our manual shifting system!
We highly recommend this RV driving school to anyone who drives or tows an RV. It gives us peace of mind knowing how to properly and safely drive our rig.