Dyan L.

I wanted to take the opportunity to provide feedback on my RV Driving School instructor, Jimmy Johnson, and the training itself. The training was excellent and I’ve recommended it to many people since taking it. Although people may practice in parking lots or even venture out onto the road right away, Jimmy took me through many different scenarios. From tight right and left turns, through road work around Jersey barriers, to backing into a spot, to a highway with no shoulders, to town/city driving. With his 33 years as a teacher, Jimmy had the understanding and knowledge to help me navigate our 40 foot motorhome through each scenario until I got it right and felt comfortable. I also liked that my husband was encouraged to come along and see what was being taught and how I was doing. He even learned a few things too. I am so grateful for what I learned from Jimmy and RV Driving School, and I highly recommend it specifically for women so we don’t find ourselves victims…especially in an emergency.
Thank you Jimmy and RV Driving School,
Dyan L.