Lauren L.

I cannot offer enough adjectives to describe the kindness and sincere concern Phillip took with the us.

We jumped off the pier and bought a 45ft diesel pusher with no experience with anything this size. Our story is long but I’ll start it with two of us sitting on a farm in Lynden Washington—coach delivered to us and our heads spinning—afraid to drive it.

Enter Phillip from stage left. In a first call he eased so many concerns and insisted we would make it though haha. He went the extra mile literally by driving 3 hours to US because we were reluctant to move 100ft.

Our instruction process made us feel so incredibly safe and comfortable. There wasn’t anything he wasn’t willing to offer his experience or expertise. It was more than driving. It was day to day concerns as a full timer. It was finding us the best mechanics in the area. It was investigating and trouble shooting any minor issues our rig was having.  It was all of his well organized “best practices” packets. It was him going on a field trip with us to various stores to grab all the right gear. It was him researching every opportunity for us to drive safely in an open space. It was him writing handwritten notes on our first night to present the next day—reflecting on anything he felt he didn’t answer in its fullest detail.

Phillip shared stories of him and his bride’s adventures. Shared how happy he was for us and our adventure. We made a friend.

This was one of the single best investments in our new full-time life. After two days – we are now 95% comfortable operating our rig on and OFF the road (The other 5% will come soon with more experience). We can claim RV Driving School was a NECESSITY. So grateful for Phillip—his time—and his genuine concern for us. Such a great experience. Thank you!

Lauren L.