Randy J.

To say I am satisfied would be an understatement.  Jerry Lindsey was FANTASTIC!!.  I learned so much.  I am 100% Newbie, (at 62).
I have joined 6 Facebook RV sites 4 of which are Texas focused.  Below is what I posted to these sites, (yes all 6).  My Confidence is well above what I thought it would be.
Here is what I posted:
Hello, You may see this in some additional RV FB’s, (I subscribe to 4).
I just finished my 2nd, last day, of the RV Training through RVTraining.com.
Some may say why? Well when it took the help of my neighbor to park my 34′ Transcend 28MKS and 20 minutes, I knew I needed help.
My Instructor Jerry Lindsey, Was great. I emailed him the awkwardness of my driveway with measurements, angles and even a Google Earth picture and where some immovable objects were that prevented my from vital adjustments, (i.e. my neighbors Brick Mailbox).
We met at a school with a large enough parking lot to train. He set up cones to duplicate the situation. He explained Geometry was my friend and walked me through the plan. And around and around I went (probably 15+ times) until I got it. He also followed me to my home and we did it real life. 45 seconds later I had it off the road and 5-10 minutes later in its spot. He then reviewed what he saw of my driving while he followed me. All positive and thoughtful with encouragement.
Today was the second day. He got in and off we went driving. We had Rain and crosswinds. He gave me some very good tips on driving in these conditions and again encouragement and pointers as needed. We then ended back at my house and I had the rig backed in and better than You could imagine in under 3 minutes and yet I never felt like I needed to rush.
Also he went over the set-up and equipment on my rig. Gave me some great insights to getting my rig up and ready to camp and being safe.
The course is not cheap at $495.00. But being a 100% newbie it was well well worth it. I would also recommend it to any newbie like myself. I can guarantee that if I ever upgraded to a Class C or Class A, (if I win the Lottery 😛 ) I will do it again. It was well worth the money, not only for the training, but the confidence I have gained which is at least 10 Fold.
George feel free to use my full name. I also will be telling anybody I meet to use your companies Training. Again, Jerry is fantastic.
Randy J.